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Archived Water Damage Blog Posts

The Smells a Water Leak Can Leave You With | SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs

With all the appliances that use water in your home, water leaks can be a pretty common problem. Water from other sources, like an open window on a rainy day, can also cause pretty major situations.

Wherever it comes from, most water leaks are far larger issues than what a few towels or a mop and bucket can handle. Water moves quickly, and before you know it, water can be hiding out in places throughout your home.

The faster you can call in the professionals, the better. Getting things dried out completely and quickly will help you avoid going from a simple water leak to a complete disaster.

Addressing Water Leaks

As soon as water starts flowing in the wrong place, it can spread under your floors and walls. Even a small water leak or spill can find its ways into just about every hard-to-reach area you can think of.

When you find a leak in your house, follow your instinct to act fast and dry up everything you can see. Pay attention to where the leak was in order to get the best idea of where it may be causing damage out of your line of vision. When moisture makes its way under floorboards or behind drywall, it won’t dry up on its own. These tight locations lack the airflow to allow water to escape, which means its likely to stay around long-term.

The longer something stays wet, the more damage there will be. Metal support structures can rust, while wooden beams can begin to degrade. Mold can form and spread, leaving your home vulnerable to a dangerous outbreak. It only takes one to two days for an entire colony of mold spores to form and start taking over.

Following Your Nose

If you have recently tackled a water leak in your home and begin to notice a musty, wet or earthy smell near the same area, you likely have a mold issue. This odor is a sure sign that something is going on out of your line of vision, and while you can follow your nose to get to the general area of growth, it’s time to call in the pros.

Our water restoration professionals are highly trained in handling mold remediation, water damage and odor removal. We will tackle the floorboards and drywall that need replacing after a leak, while at the same time working to find the source of mold growth in order to neutralize it. Through disinfection, sealing and removal, our crew will stop the spread of mold and ensure that things are thoroughly dried so it can’t come back.

The smells of our home are important, and even a fully repaired house won’t feel right until all lingering odors are also gone. By isolating the area and filtering the air, as well as sanitizing every surface possible, our crew won’t leave until all odor particles are gone. It is our goal to get everything back to normal, smells and all.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Equipped to Handle Multiple Kinds of Damage | SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties

2/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pounding down on a blacktop surface SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties is Here to Help® when any disaster strikes!

Sometimes it seems like when one bad thing happens it opens the door for more bad things to occur—like an endless stream of bad luck. This can prove especially true when a disaster strikes.

It doesn’t really matter if it came from Mother Nature or something that happened inside your home, when a disaster strikes and leaves behind one kind of damage it will almost always lead to another one.

That is why having a team like ours at SERVPRO® right in your own backyard can help ease your worries. With one call, we can handle anything life throws at you.

The Impact of Disasters

Disaster can take an enormous toll on your home or your community. Even when a storm or flood was predicted with enough time to make some preparations, things can change in an instant and become much more severe than originally thought possible. When something manmade happens in your home, it can be truly devastating, especially considering that they can happen without any kind of warning.

A rain storm can strike and become heavy, leading to flooding that causes enough moisture to later allow mold to grow and spread. High winds threaten your home in a multitude of ways as well—from flying debris to extended power outages. Fires can leave behind smoke, soot, water and structural damage, as well as lingering odors that can be hard to get rid of.

Disasters can be the very definition of “when it rains, it pours” because of the way damages will compound. The longer one kind of damage is allowed to sit, the worse things will get, too.

The toll on your physical home or community isn’t the only thing you will have to handle, either; disasters can take a major emotional toll as well. That is why you need a team that can respond around the clock.

A Single Team, Total Restoration

When it comes to a disaster, timing is incredibly crucial. Our professional team is available to take your call 365 days a year, 247. The moment you call us recovery begins. We will gather your information and start putting a team together to head to your property and start your recovery.

SERVPRO employees are both highly trained and certified in multiple disaster scenarios. We have experienced a lot of different situations—right here in this community. Our office is locally owned and operated, which means we love this community as much as you do, and we have cleaned offices and homes all around the area.

If you experience roof damage during a storm, we can get there quickly in order to tarp it and keep the other elements out. When a flood strikes, we immediately start drying things out while trying to save as much of your personal belongings as we can.

If part of your home suffers enough damage to no longer be safe, we can tear it down and rebuild it. Whatever it takes to get your life back to normal is exactly what we are going to do.

Our team is a total restoration team, which means we walk with you from start to finish on your road to recovery. If an odor sticks around after a fire or mold growth in your home, we will keep sanitizing and cleaning until your home smells like yours again.

A staff with plenty of training and experience, industry-leading disaster cleanup equipment and availability the moment you need us means SERVPRO is the only call you will have to make. Don’t let pouring rain keep you down for long. Call us to get back to sunny days faster.

Have you experienced a disaster and need restorations? Make one call to our office to start recovery fast.

Don’t Let Moisture Hang Out | SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

close up of condensation on window pane and ledge Water damage can happen anywhere in your home. Call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties to restore water damage on your property 24/7, 365.

Water plays such an integral role in our lives. There is likely a good bit of running in your home right now—whether it is a load in the washing machine or the dishwasher scrubbing away dinner. Having water on demand can make things much easier day to day…at least until it ends up in the wrong places.

A little leak can leave your home in utter chaos. The more you learn about the places that moisture likes to hang out, the more damage you can prevent.

Under Your Sinks

If you are thinking about moisture, sinks might be the first place you consider. While it might seem obvious that this is a common spot for leaks, they can actually be pretty hard to catch. Most sinks have multiple water lines and plenty of personal items blocking a clear view. With so much going on under a sink, a small leak can go undetected long term.

Check under your sinks weekly. Look for drips or other moisture, and feel along all the water lines to see if they are wet. Make sure all the connections are tight, and replace anything that has begun to wear out.

Beneath Appliances

The appliances in our home do a lot of work for us that makes our days run a whole lot easier, but they are also susceptible to small leaks. These leaks often start under the appliance, which means it may be a while before you notice a problem.

Pull your large appliances out every few months and give them a deep-cleaning. Clean under and behind them, checking for mold growth, puddles and other moisture. Replace anything that is showing signs of aging so that you can prevent a future leak as well.

Behind Your Walls or Floors

One of the reasons that even a small leak can be a big problem is water’s ability to seep into even the tiniest opening. This often results in water damage behind your walls and under your floors.

If you find yourself wondering what that musty smell is, it may be time to do some investigating to check for water damage. A new squeak in the floor, especially if it is near an appliance that uses water, is another cause for concern you will want to look into.

Around Your Windows and Doors

While it actually can be a common occurrence, condensation on your windows is not something you want to ignore. This moisture can hang out, finding its way into cracks and eventually leading to structural damage.

Check your windows and doors by running your hands along the frames to feel for moisture. Fill in any gaps and cracks, and make sure everything is well-sealed. If the caulk is beginning to look rough, replace it to prevent damage that could happen later.

Water damage doesn’t have to leave you in a total panic. With a single phone call to SERVPRO®, we can start putting your home back together fast. We can handle anything from a completely flooded home to damage that has been building over the years from a hidden leak. We want to get your restoration completed quickly so you can get back to normal.

Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO for a quick restoration.

What to Do When Your Business Is Flooded | SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties

12/1/2023 (Permalink)

concrete floor tiling with large cracks and water on it Give SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties a call to restore your commercial space from water damage.

Have you ever stepped into your office building to start the day and immediately noticed a musty smell? That is a sure indicator that there is a leak somewhere in your building that is leaving things wet.

That is not how any of us want to start our day, but what about stepping into your building and not only being hit with a musty odor, but also finding your socks and shoes are now completely drenched? That would be a nightmare come to life!

Regardless of how the water got into your building, when flooding strikes, you need to be able to move quickly in order to mitigate as much damage as possible. Get to know some easy ways to immediately start down the road to recovery when your building is flooded.

One Step at a Time

Even when a natural disaster is predicted and you take every possible step to prepare, finding flood waters in your building can leave you panicked and overwhelmed. Allow yourself a minute to catch your breath, then jump into action.

By following a few simple guidelines, you can start getting things put back together and avoid extensive damage.

1.Safety should always be first. With any kind of flooding, safety should always be your top priority. Find a dry spot to get a good look at what is going on, and call SERVPRO® immediately. We will get your information put together while a team prepares to head to your property. Take some photos of the damage while you wait on the pros.

2. Try to control the disaster. When water is coming from an internal source, the best thing you can do to prevent extensive damage is to identify the cause. This can both stop the flow and help you better understand exactly what you are dealing with. If you can’t find the exact source, cut the water to the building by using the main shut-off valve.

3. Dry things out. Floodwaters can quickly become contaminated, especially as they sit and continue to mix with other substances. The more you can stay out of them, the safer you will stay. Try to increase ventilation around the flooding by opening windows and turning on fans, and remove anything that is in the path of the water.

Work With the Pros

Upon their arrival, our team will immediately begin removing standing water. We will also look over your property thoroughly in order to give you the best picture of what restoration is going to look like. We work directly with your insurance agency as well in order to make the process as smooth as possible and keep one more thing off your plate.

Now that our crew is handling recovery, you can shift your focus to your crew. Our professionals will help you determine if part of your building can be safely used, closing down the flooded section so you can reopen.

While the drying process continues, we will make sure you have every opportunity to make decisions as needed. It is always our goal to restore your belongings so that you have less to replace.

Don’t let finding water in your building set you back for too long. Call SERVPRO, take some quick steps to start recovery and get back to work fast.

Do you need repairs after a water disaster in your commercial building? Contact us to get dried out quickly.

Handling Water Damage | SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Pool of water sitting on top of a herringbone patterned wood floor with furniture nearby If you discover water damage in your home or business, call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties right away.

Water is such a strong source. We do everything we can to control it in our homes, pumping it through pipes to switch it on at the wave of a hand. If you have ever been to the ocean, you know the true strength that the raw, natural form of water has.

We can’t live without it, but when water gets out of control, it can create great disasters, sneaking into even the most hidden places of our homes and completely changing our lives. Alabama has seen its share of flooding over the years, and our counties are no exception. Heavy rains, tornadoes and spring showers are common sources of flooding that have left streets under water and homes ruined throughout our town.

You can do a lot of preparation work in order to protect your home from water, but there are some disasters that simply cannot be stopped. The good news is that with water damage restoration specialist, your home can be put back together fast.

The First Steps

Should your home suffer from a disaster that leaves behind floodwaters, the faster you move, the less damage you will suffer. Water damage moves fast and deepens quickly, so the first step you need to take is finding the source of the water.

After you are able to locate the source, you should try to stop any further water from coming in. If the source is a natural disaster, you may not be able to stop the flow until the danger is over. Internal sources of flooding can be stopped at its source though, so make sure you know your house well and can get to water shut-offs quickly.

Never step into standing water that could be touching any kind of live electricity. Turn your power off at the source before moving forward with drying out your home.

The moment it is safe to do so, call SERVPRO®. You can call us any time since our phone lines are available 247. The faster you do call us, the faster we can start recovering your property.

How We Dry Your Home

The moment we take your call, your recovery begins. We will ask questions in order to assess the situation and determine everything your project will need. At this point, do your best to snap some photos. We work directly with your insurance company to ensure a smooth process, and the more documentation you have, the easier it will be.

We will get a team headed toward your home right away, and they will bring top-of-the-line equipment in order to start the drying process immediately. Our first priority is to remove standing water and begin drying out soft materials. We make it our goal to restore as much of your property as we can by completely drying, removing odors and sanitizing anything that was wet.

Our highly trained team can handle anything your restoration requires. If part of your home needs to be reconstructed, we will tackle the rebuild and ensure everything meets your standards. Your home will be exactly as it should be when we are done.

Any time you are dealing with more than an inch of water in your home, you need to call in the professionals. Every source of water, whether it is from a pipe failure or stormwater, requires a different response in order to be handled safely. Our team is trained in every source of water, regardless of how large or how small your situation is. With SERVPRO in your neighborhood, you have nothing to worry about.

Do you have water damage in your home? Call us for fast and complete restoration.

It’s Raining More Than My Home Can Handle... | SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

image of a large body of water during a rain storm with ripples caused by the heavy downpour Water damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties on the case!

We know that rain is an important and needed gift during the spring and the summer. The break in the scorching heat and the moisture watering our grass and flowers can make everything feel calm, fresh and new.

We also know that when rain gets hard and heavy our homes can become vulnerable to leaks or seeping water. Heavy rain overruns our gutters and can leak through the roof and down our walls, or the ground becomes so saturated our yard becomes a lake and water starts seeping in through the foundation.

SERVPRO® of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties is here for you when it starts raining more than your home can handle. We can get you dried out fast, but we also want to help ensure your safety during every storm. We want to help you be better prepared so your home can handle anything.

Hazards of Intense Rain

Alabama weather can be all over the place, and it can change in just a few minutes. Our springs and summers are particularly volatile, with a pleasant and bright day turning into a dark and stormy afternoon. It is not unusual to see severe thunderstorms throughout the year, as well as tornadoes and flash floods.

With the possibility of so many different kinds of severe weather, we know that being prepared is crucial for staying safe. Heavy rains can quickly leave roads under water and impassable, as well as bring damaging wind and hail.

When the weather is predicted to turn severe, it is crucial to take the threat seriously. Have two ways to receive alerts, and listen to local news stations to stay ahead of the storm. Locate the closest storm shelter to your home and make sure you and your family are ready to move quickly if things get bad.

Staying Safe

Safety should always be your priority when it comes to preparing your home and your family. If you are not at home when a storm starts rolling in, either head home or find a safe place inside to wait the storm out. Avoid stopping near ditches, and get off of any roads that have a history of flooding.

At home, bring inside anything that could be swept away or blown around and park your car somewhere safe. If severe flooding is predicted, you might consider cutting the power to your home, or at least to the lowest levels of your home. Put anything that can be replaced somewhere high or in a watertight container.

If floodwaters start coming into your home while you are there, get to the highest level and wait out the storm. Don’t try walking through floodwaters while they are still flowing. That water moves a lot faster than it looks. Do your best to stay dry until everything starts to recede, and call us to get on the road to recovery quickly.

Future Prevention Strategies

With our unpredictable weather in this part of Alabama, even the most prepared home could still see flooding from time to time. While we work through your restoration after a disaster has hit, we will also help you make some decisions that could work to better defend your home during the next heavy rainfall.

Working with a professional that can assess your yard’s grading and consider adding some other landscaping. Your yard is a great first line of defense when it comes to preventing water from coming in. Slopes can ensure rain moves away from your home, while organic materials can help speed the absorption of moisture and prevent puddles.

A sump pump in your basement is another great investment. If you already have one and still experienced flooding, have it serviced and ask about the need for a possible upgrade. Sump pumps work to push any water that comes near your foundation back out and away from your home, and can go a long way in preventing flooding.

Keep in mind that we are always around the corner ready to help you recover when water leaves your home damaged. With 247 availability and a local crew that is highly trained, we can get your home back to normal fast.

We are here for all of your water disasters. Contact us day or night for a quick recovery.

Water Damage and Where It Can Hide in Your Home | SERVPRO® of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties

5/9/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”bucket” alt = " blue bucket in the middle of the living area catching water falling from the ceiling ” > Think you may have water damage in your home? Here are some tips from SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties to find the source.

Water can create some pretty big disasters inside your home, especially when it plays a game of hide and seek. When a leak goes undetected long-term, it can damage your walls, floor and lead to mold growth that wreaks even more havoc.

The good news is you can get to know the areas of your home that are most prone to water damage, especially the kind that likes to hide out. When you familiarize yourself with these spots, you can take action to prevent issues, or stop them fast when they do start.

These three spots are some of the most common areas for water damage. Add maintaining them regularly to your to-do list and protect your home from total disasters.

The roof. Living in this part of Alabama has taught us all the importance of caring for our roofs. We know to keep an eye on them after a windy storm blows through, but leaks can start slow and small and can be hard to detect.

Make a point to get on your roof every spring and fall and check for soft spots or other areas of excess moisture. Keep your gutters cleaned out as well to avoid overflow when a heavy rain falls.

During the year, visit your attic space often to check for musty odors or damp insulation. Even if you have a large attic area, a space that generally stays dark make a great home for mold growth that can spread fast and leave behind a lot of damage in its wake.

The bathroom. This might feel like an obvious one, but leaks can actually hide out pretty well in a room that already sees so much water use.

Check under your sink weekly, or at least once a month, for standing water or excessive moisture. Feel around the base of your toilets and tub when you clean to make sure there is no water, and keep your caulking in good shape as needed.

If your bathroom always feel damp or your drains run slowly, you may need to add ventilation in order to prevent water and mold damage.

Appliances. Appliances that have water features are convenient, but they also come with a leak risk. These large items can have small leaks that drip for a long time unnoticed, as they most commonly occur behind or underneath the appliance.

Pull large appliances like your refrigerator, washing machine and dishwasher away from the wall at least once a year for cleaning. Check behind and underneath them for mold growth or standing water. Inspect the hoses for holes or kinks.

Always stay nearby when these appliances are in use to listen for slow moving drainage or dripping water. While everything in your home has varying life spans, consider replacing appliances that are more than 10 years old to prevent problems from ever occurring.

When you do find water damage, call us at SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph County. We have the tools and knowledge to take care of your home fast so you can get back to doing life.

Dealing with a water emergency? Our SERVPRO specialists can be on the scene of the disaster ASAP to restore your water-damaged home!

Water Damage In Talladega County

4/29/2022 (Permalink)

Water spills can happen at any time leading to financial losses and general inconveniences. A home in Kansas was heavily damaged when an excavator hit a main pipe during a landscaping project. The resulting jet of water hit a wall of the house and gained access through an open window damaging contents and building materials.

Saving Electronics
Water damage at home took different forms, including affecting some electronic items. Although they were not submerged in water, there was some moisture intrusion, which could lead to rusting and other damages if left unchecked. Our SERVPRO technicians take different steps to help save electronics affected by water. We set up a dehumidifier at the loss site immediately after arrival to control humidity levels. Controlling temperature levels also helps prevent cooling to the dew point to prevent damages caused by condensation.

Dealing with Vapor Barriers
Some of the water that spilled into the house found a way into the wall cavities. Walls usually have different porous materials such as drywall and insulation, which can be damaged by oversaturation. The walls at the house presented a unique challenge because they had wallpaper, which acts as a vapor barrier delaying the drying process. Our SERVPRO technicians use different approaches to handle vapor barriers. Drilling holes at the bottom of the walls allowed us to ventilate dry air into the wall cavities countering the effects of the vapor barrier.

Tracing Hidden Wet Spots
When resolving sudden water spills, there is a possibility of leaving some wet spots, which can cause problems later. Subfloors and non-living spaces such as attics and basements are easy to overlook. Our SERVPRO technicians do thorough scoping to ensure we do not overlook any section of the property. At the home, the water spill had not reached any of the non-loving areas. However, inspecting the floor using a thermal camera revealed some water intrusion before the surface. We set up drying mats to help remove the water without tearing down the tiles.

A water loss incident can happen when you least expect it. Call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties at 256-378-1319 to help. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

Restoring House After Flood Damage

4/29/2022 (Permalink)

The number of extreme storms has been trending upward in the last decade, which means homes are at increased risk of damage from flooding. If your home has sustained flood-related damage, you are undoubtedly concerned about what cleanup and restoration will look like. Consulting a water remediation specialist is the first step in the restoration process.

Why Expert Assistance?

Floodwater is highly toxic and should not be contacted without protective gear. Water contamination is categorized using three levels. Floodwater is termed black water, or Category 3, the highest level of contamination. Floodwater, like sewage cleanup, requires fast action by restoration specialists. Here’s why:

  • Floodwater may be contaminated with toxic chemicals, sewage or other hazardous materials.
  • Serious contamination can easily be missed by an inexperienced eye.
  • Flood cleanup requires specialized safety and ventilation procedures, which are part of professional restoration protocols.
  • Water remediation professionals move quickly, minimizing the chances of secondary damage that may develop as time progresses.

If you are going to be turning over your home to restoration crews, it may help to have an idea of what to expect from the cleanup process for black water damage.

What Happens During Cleanup?

Once the floodwater has been removed, teams will begin setting up elaborate ventilation systems and removing wet items. Wet structural elements, such as drywall, may need to be replaced. Depending on the damage, you may need to be out of your home until safety and toxicity are addressed.
Restoration teams will professionally clean carpets, upholstery and other porous items, if possible. Electronics, such as computers and televisions, will be dried and restored using specialized dehumidifying processes.
Photos, documents and other paper-based products will be handled immediately as they deteriorate quickly when damaged by black water. The items will pass through a series of drying methods and then will be sanitized and pressed. Professional restoration services usually include HIPAA-certified staff to protect the confidentiality of your documents.
Dealing with Category 3 water damage can feel daunting for a homeowner. A professional water restoration service can provide timely, safe cleanup procedures with the goal of returning your home to normal as soon as possible. 

If you need help in any water damage situation call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties @ 256-378-1319.

We Are The Professional Water Removers

4/29/2022 (Permalink)

When a commercial building, like a warehouse or a bus garage, suffers from a supply line leak, the quantity of water let loose inside can be substantial. Even if you have a high-quality and committed cleaning staff, managing tremendous amounts of water pouring into your building can quickly overwhelm your on-site housekeeping crew. A half-inch pipe spews 50 gallons per minute. Larger pipes up to four inches in diameter can unleash 3,400 gallons per minute. Conventional cleaning equipment is not up to the challenge.

We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster

We respond quickly to a major water loss, turning off the water main immediately upon arrival if needed before planning your water removal project. If the electricity is off as a safety measure, we do not miss a beat. We put into operation a fleet of high-capacity gas-powered pumps and truck-mounted water extractors. Because our service vehicles stock multiple pumps and onboard powered, it is relatively straightforward for us to scale up our response to your water loss. We arrive promptly and roll out the needed equipment, ready to pull liquid water from all areas affected.

Moisture Detection and Metering

Our emergency response team initially focuses on the visible water, but even more crucial are efforts we take to search for water migration patterns in your commercial building. SERVPRO employs the following tools to locate hidden water and determine saturation levels in porous materials to inform drying goals:

Thermal imaging cameras

Using temperature variations recorded, technicians can pinpoint building cavities that likely hold trapped water.

Moisture detectors

Prongs sample materials, indicating if water is present. Detectors help us outline the perimeters of the total water incursion, so we do not leave any moisture lingering and destroying materials or encouraging mold growth.

Moisture Meters

The devices measure the amount of moisture in porous materials. We also use them to establish and monitor progress toward drying goals by providing data on unaffected structures within your commercial building.

Rely on SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties to respond to the scale needed to resolve substantial water removal challenges in your commercial building. Call us at 256-378-1319 round the clock for help within hours.

The Water Damage Numbers Say It All For Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

This is the underside of a sink showing water damage from leaking pipes If water damage catches you off-guard and leaves you all wet, you’ve got help on your side. Contact SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties.

Being a homeowner is something to be proud of! You worked hard to accomplish buying your own home, and you also work hard at keeping it well-maintained.

So, that’s why we wanted to share some information regarding water damage to your home. While you might do everything to prepare for events, things don’t always go according to plan. Statistically speaking, you are likely to encounter water damage of some kind.

While you can’t prevent every disaster, the truth is you can be better prepared by keeping appliances and pipes well-equipped and maintained. By doing this, at least you know you did your part to avoid becoming part of the statistics.

24 - This references the percentage of all home insurance claims filed because of water damage. One out of every 50 homeowners file a water claim in a year’s timeframe.

48 - This is how long you have, 48 hours, before mold begins growing in your home. Water damage can cause major problems the longer it sits, so reacting quickly is best.

98 - Do you have a basement in your home? This number is the percentage of how many homes with a basement experience water damage at some point.

10,234 -  Water damage, no matter the size, can cause major damage to your home. This number reflects the amount of money paid out to homeowners after filing a water claim. Because water doesn’t only affect your home—it also affects the possessions inside your home.

14,000 -  If you had to guess how many water damage experiences happened daily, would you guess 14,000? If so, that’s right! This is how many Americans encounter water damage every day. That means every six seconds there’s a newly busted pipe or leaky appliance somewhere.

13,000,000,000 -  Billions of dollars are paid out each year to fix water damage here in the United States. $13 billion worth to be exact. When you look at previous statistics, you’ll see how this number can be possible.

The numbers can be overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that most water damage is preventable. Make sure you keep up with home maintenance and plumbing and make repairs as needed! While nothing is ever fully preventable, doing these things can certainly help.

If water damage catches you off-guard and leaves you all wet, you’ve got help on your side. CONTACT SERVPRO OF TALLADEGA CLAY AND RANDOLPH COUNTIES @ 256-378-1319 to see how we can quickly and fully restore water damage to your home or business.

Water Damage in Talladega County? Call SERVPRO.

4/7/2021 (Permalink)

Water spills can happen at any time leading to financial losses and general inconveniences. A home in Kansas was heavily damaged when an excavator hit a main pipe during a landscaping project. The resulting jet of water hit a wall of the house and gained access through an open window damaging contents and building materials.

Saving Electronics
Water damage at home took different forms, including affecting some electronic items. Although they were not submerged in water, there was some moisture intrusion, which could lead to rusting and other damages if left unchecked. Our SERVPRO technicians take different steps to help save electronics affected by water. We set up a dehumidifier at the loss site immediately after arrival to control humidity levels. Controlling temperature levels also helps prevent cooling to the dew point to prevent damages caused by condensation.

Dealing with Vapor Barriers
Some of the water that spilled into the house found a way into the wall cavities. Walls usually have different porous materials such as drywall and insulation, which can be damaged by oversaturation. The walls at the house presented a unique challenge because they had wallpaper, which acts as a vapor barrier delaying the drying process. Our SERVPRO technicians use different approaches to handle vapor barriers. Drilling holes at the bottom of the walls allowed us to ventilate dry air into the wall cavities countering the effects of the vapor barrier.

Tracing Hidden Wet Spots
When resolving sudden water spills, there is a possibility of leaving some wet spots, which can cause problems later. Subfloors and non-living spaces such as attics and basements are easy to overlook. Our SERVPRO technicians do thorough scoping to ensure we do not overlook any section of the property. At the home, the water spill had not reached any of the non-loving areas. However, inspecting the floor using a thermal camera revealed some water intrusion before the surface. We set up drying mats to help remove the water without tearing down the tiles.

A water loss incident can happen when you least expect it. Call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties at (256)378-1319 to help. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

Restoring your house after flood damage

4/1/2021 (Permalink)

The number of extreme storms has been trending upward in the last decade, which means homes are at increased risk of damage from flooding. If your home has sustained flood-related damage, you are undoubtedly concerned about what cleanup and restoration will look like. Consulting a water remediation specialist is the first step in the restoration process.

Why Expert Assistance?

Floodwater is highly toxic and should not be contacted without protective gear. Water contamination is categorized using three levels. Floodwater is termed black water, or Category 3, the highest level of contamination. Floodwater, like sewage cleanup, requires fast action by restoration specialists. Here’s why:

  • Floodwater may be contaminated with toxic chemicals, sewage or other hazardous materials.
  • Serious contamination can easily be missed by an inexperienced eye.
  • Flood cleanup requires specialized safety and ventilation procedures, which are part of professional restoration protocols.
  • Water remediation professionals move quickly, minimizing the chances of secondary damage that may develop as time progresses.

If you are going to be turning over your home to restoration crews, it may help to have an idea of what to expect from the cleanup process for black water damage.

What Happens During Cleanup?

Once the floodwater has been removed, teams will begin setting up elaborate ventilation systems and removing wet items. Wet structural elements, such as drywall, may need to be replaced. Depending on the damage, you may need to be out of your home until safety and toxicity are addressed.
Restoration teams will professionally clean carpets, upholstery and other porous items, if possible. Electronics, such as computers and televisions, will be dried and restored using specialized dehumidifying processes.
Photos, documents and other paper-based products will be handled immediately as they deteriorate quickly when damaged by black water. The items will pass through a series of drying methods and then will be sanitized and pressed. Professional restoration services usually include HIPAA-certified staff to protect the confidentiality of your documents.
Dealing with Category 3 water damage can feel daunting for a homeowner. A professional water restoration service can provide timely, safe cleanup procedures with the goal of returning your home to normal as soon as possible.

We are professional water removal experts

4/1/2021 (Permalink)

We are ready and prepared to be there for your commercial water damage.

When a commercial building, like a warehouse or a bus garage, suffers from a supply line leak, the quantity of water let loose inside can be substantial. Even if you have a high-quality and committed cleaning staff, managing tremendous amounts of water pouring into your building can quickly overwhelm your on-site housekeeping crew. A half-inch pipe spews 50 gallons per minute. Larger pipes up to four inches in diameter can unleash 3,400 gallons per minute. Conventional cleaning equipment is not up to the challenge.

We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster

We respond quickly to a major water loss, turning off the water main immediately upon arrival if needed before planning your water removal project. If the electricity is off as a safety measure, we do not miss a beat. We put into operation a fleet of high-capacity gas-powered pumps and truck-mounted water extractors. Because our service vehicles stock multiple pumps and onboard powered, it is relatively straightforward for us to scale up our response to your water loss. We arrive promptly and roll out the needed equipment, ready to pull liquid water from all areas affected.

Moisture Detection and Metering

Our emergency response team initially focuses on the visible water, but even more crucial are efforts we take to search for water migration patterns in your commercial building. SERVPRO employs the following tools to locate hidden water and determine saturation levels in porous materials to inform drying goals:

Thermal imaging cameras

Using temperature variations recorded, technicians can pinpoint building cavities that likely hold trapped water.

Moisture detectors

Prongs sample materials, indicating if water is present. Detectors help us outline the perimeters of the total water incursion, so we do not leave any moisture lingering and destroying materials or encouraging mold growth.

Moisture Meters

The devices measure the amount of moisture in porous materials. We also use them to establish and monitor progress toward drying goals by providing data on unaffected structures within your commercial building.

Rely on SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties to respond to the scale needed to resolve substantial water removal challenges in your commercial building. Call us at (256)-378-1319 round the clock for help within hours.

How to find a leak in your bathroom

4/1/2021 (Permalink)

A leak in your shower or bathtub can cause water damage, which is why it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Before the problem can be taken care of, however, you must be able to identify the source of the leak. Here are some tips to help you find a shower or bathtub leak in your home.

Inspect the Shower/Bathtub

First, you need to determine where exactly the leak is coming from. If you are inspecting a shower, you should start by looking at the shower pan, or the base of the shower. Indications of a shower pan leak include:

  • Water seeping through ceiling of room below shower
  • Mold near shower pan 
  • Missing grout around shower pan
  • Rotting gaps between wall and floor caused by water damage

These signs of leaking can help you get a better idea of the source of the problem and identify any water damage.

Look for Other Sources

If the leak isn’t coming from your shower pan, look for any other parts of your shower or bathtub where it may have originated. Dripping faucets or shower heads are common sources of a bathtub leak and are relatively easy to fix. When inspecting your bathtub or shower, make sure you are aware of the severity of the issue so that you are prepared to take care of it.

Check for Water Damage

If you’re still struggling to find the leak, keep an eye out for any signs of water damage. Water damage can help give you a clearer idea of where the leak is. If you do come across any signs of damage, make sure to address it while it’s still early in order to mitigate the effects that it can have on your home.

A leak in your bathtub or shower can be frustrating to deal with but keeping the resulting water damage under control can ease the situation. Be sure to talk with a water damage specialist to restore damage from a shower or bathtub leak and help preserve the state of your home.

Water Damage in Talladega County

4/7/2020 (Permalink)

Ruptured Main Water Line Causing Water Damage in St Clair County A water loss incident can happen when you least expect it.

Water spills can happen at any time leading to financial losses and general inconveniences. A home in Kansas was heavily damaged when an excavator hit a main pipe during a landscaping project. The resulting jet of water hit a wall of the house and gained access through an open window damaging contents and building materials.

Saving Electronics
Water damage at home took different forms, including affecting some electronic items. Although they were not submerged in water, there was some moisture intrusion, which could lead to rusting and other damages if left unchecked. Our SERVPRO technicians take different steps to help save electronics affected by water. We set up a dehumidifier at the loss site immediately after arrival to control humidity levels. Controlling temperature levels also helps prevent cooling to the dew point to prevent damages caused by condensation.

Dealing with Vapor Barriers
Some of the water that spilled into the house found a way into the wall cavities. Walls usually have different porous materials such as drywall and insulation, which can be damaged by oversaturation. The walls at the house presented a unique challenge because they had wallpaper, which acts as a vapor barrier delaying the drying process. Our SERVPRO technicians use different approaches to handle vapor barriers. Drilling holes at the bottom of the walls allowed us to ventilate dry air into the wall cavities countering the effects of the vapor barrier.

Tracing Hidden Wet Spots
When resolving sudden water spills, there is a possibility of leaving some wet spots, which can cause problems later. Subfloors and non-living spaces such as attics and basements are easy to overlook. Our SERVPRO technicians do thorough scoping to ensure we do not overlook any section of the property. At the home, the water spill had not reached any of the non-loving areas. However, inspecting the floor using a thermal camera revealed some water intrusion before the surface. We set up drying mats to help remove the water without tearing down the tiles.

A water loss incident can happen when you least expect it. Call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties at (256)378-1319 to help. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

What To Know About Sewer Backup

3/25/2020 (Permalink)

Cleaning up the mess can be a tricky process so there are several things you should know. Appropriate safety gear may include waders, coveralls, masks, gloves, and shoe covers

What To Know About Sewer Backup

When storms bring heavy rain water you may find your business is in danger of sewer backup. Cleaning up the mess can be a tricky process so there are several things you should know.

1. Sewer Water is Classified as Black Water

It’s important to note that all sewer water is classified as black water. This is because any water that may have been highly contaminated by fecal matter, bacteria, fertilizer, and other substances unsafe for human consumption falls into this category. Flood water is categorized in this way as well because it is difficult to determine where the water flow has been.

2. Safety Standards Should Be Followed During Cleanup

Due to its contaminated nature, there are many safety recommendations for dealing with sewer backup. A local flood damage restoration service will already know these regulations and have the appropriate safety gear and cleaners required for the job. For this reason, it’s highly recommended to contact a restoration service if your company has experienced sewage flooding of any type. Appropriate safety gear may include waders, coveralls, masks, gloves, and shoe covers.

3. The Area Will Need To Be Sanitized

One of the main things to be remembered after removing sewer waste from an area is that the space will need to be sanitized. Doing so can help prevent the spread of bacteria or other contaminants that could lead to further problems in the long term if left untreated. Fortunately, your restoration teach will have the appropriate cleaners and equipment to clean the space before repairs begin.

When dealing with sewer backup it’s important to contact a professional who can follow all the safety standards as Sewer water is considered to be black water. It’s also important to remember that after the material has been removed and the area dries, the space will also need to be sanitized before repairs can begin.

Restoring Your Home After Flood Damage

3/23/2020 (Permalink)

A professional water restoration service can provide timely, safe cleanup with the goal of returning your home to normal. A flooded home

The number of extreme storms has been trending upward in the last decade, which means homes are at increased risk of damage from flooding. If your home has sustained flood-related damage, you are undoubtedly concerned about what cleanup and restoration will look like. Consulting a water remediation specialist is the first step in the restoration process.

Why Expert Assistance?

Floodwater is highly toxic and should not be contacted without protective gear. Water contamination is categorized using three levels. Floodwater is termed black water, or Category 3, the highest level of contamination. Floodwater, like sewage cleanup, requires fast action by restoration specialists. Here’s why:

  • Floodwater may be contaminated with toxic chemicals, sewage or other hazardous materials.
  • Serious contamination can easily be missed by an inexperienced eye.
  • Flood cleanup requires specialized safety and ventilation procedures, which are part of professional restoration protocols.
  • Water remediation professionals move quickly, minimizing the chances of secondary damage that may develop as time progresses.

If you are going to be turning over your home to restoration crews, it may help to have an idea of what to expect from the cleanup process for black water damage.

What Happens During Cleanup?

Once the floodwater has been removed, teams will begin setting up elaborate ventilation systems and removing wet items. Wet structural elements, such as drywall, may need to be replaced. Depending on the damage, you may need to be out of your home until safety and toxicity are addressed.
Restoration teams will professionally clean carpets, upholstery and other porous items, if possible. Electronics, such as computers and televisions, will be dried and restored using specialized dehumidifying processes.
Photos, documents and other paper-based products will be handled immediately as they deteriorate quickly when damaged by black water. The items will pass through a series of drying methods and then will be sanitized and pressed. Professional restoration services usually include HIPAA-certified staff to protect the confidentiality of your documents.
Dealing with Category 3 water damage can feel daunting for a homeowner. A professional water restoration service can provide timely, safe cleanup procedures with the goal of returning your home to normal as soon as possible.

We Are Commercial Water Removal Experts

3/4/2020 (Permalink)

We are ready and prepared to be there for your commercial water damage. Water damage in your business can cost you a lot. Don’t let it cost you anymore business than you have to, let SERVPRO help.

We are ready and prepared to be there for your commercial water damage.

When a commercial building, like a warehouse or a bus garage, suffers from a supply line leak, the quantity of water let loose inside can be substantial. Even if you have a high-quality and committed cleaning staff, managing tremendous amounts of water pouring into your building can quickly overwhelm your on-site housekeeping crew. A half-inch pipe spews 50 gallons per minute. Larger pipes up to four inches in diameter can unleash 3,400 gallons per minute. Conventional cleaning equipment is not up to the challenge.

We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster

We respond quickly to a major water loss, turning off the water main immediately upon arrival if needed before planning your water removal project. If the electricity is off as a safety measure, we do not miss a beat. We put into operation a fleet of high-capacity gas-powered pumps and truck-mounted water extractors. Because our service vehicles stock multiple pumps and onboard powered, it is relatively straightforward for us to scale up our response to your water loss. We arrive promptly and roll out the needed equipment, ready to pull liquid water from all areas affected.

Moisture Detection and Metering

Our emergency response team initially focuses on the visible water, but even more crucial are efforts we take to search for water migration patterns in your commercial building. SERVPRO employs the following tools to locate hidden water and determine saturation levels in porous materials to inform drying goals:

Thermal imaging cameras

Using temperature variations recorded, technicians can pinpoint building cavities that likely hold trapped water.

Moisture detectors

Prongs sample materials, indicating if water is present. Detectors help us outline the perimeters of the total water incursion, so we do not leave any moisture lingering and destroying materials or encouraging mold growth.

Moisture Meters

The devices measure the amount of moisture in porous materials. We also use them to establish and monitor progress toward drying goals by providing data on unaffected structures within your commercial building.

Rely on SERVPRO of Talladega,Clay and Randolph Counties to respond to the scale needed to resolve substantial water removal challenges in your commercial building. Call us at (256)-378-1319 round the clock for help within hours.

Tips for finding a leak in your bathroom

3/2/2020 (Permalink)

A leak in your shower or bathtub can cause water damage Determining the cause of loss in a bathroom can sometimes be a challenge. When the repairs are complete call SERVPRO!

A leak in your shower or bathtub can cause water damage, which is why it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Before the problem can be taken care of, however, you must be able to identify the source of the leak. Here are some tips to help you find a shower or bathtub leak in your home.

Inspect the Shower/Bathtub

First, you need to determine where exactly the leak is coming from. If you are inspecting a shower, you should start by looking at the shower pan, or the base of the shower. Indications of a shower pan leak include:

  • Water seeping through ceiling of room below shower
  • Mold near shower pan 
  • Missing grout around shower pan
  • Rotting gaps between wall and floor caused by water damage

These signs of leaking can help you get a better idea of the source of the problem and identify any water damage.

Look for Other Sources

If the leak isn’t coming from your shower pan, look for any other parts of your shower or bathtub where it may have originated. Dripping faucets or shower heads are common sources of a bathtub leak and are relatively easy to fix. When inspecting your bathtub or shower, make sure you are aware of the severity of the issue so that you are prepared to take care of it.

Check for Water Damage

If you’re still struggling to find the leak, keep an eye out for any signs of water damage. Water damage can help give you a clearer idea of where the leak is. If you do come across any signs of damage, make sure to address it while it’s still early in order to mitigate the effects that it can have on your home.

A leak in your bathtub or shower can be frustrating to deal with but keeping the resulting water damage under control can ease the situation. Be sure to talk with a water damage specialist to restore damage from a shower or bathtub leak and help preserve the state of your home.

Don't Underestimate Water Damage

3/2/2020 (Permalink)

The amount of damage water can cause is amazing and often underestimated by homeowners. Don't underestimate the amount of damage that can be caused in your home.

Don’t underestimate water damage in your home

The amount of damage water can cause is amazing and often underestimated by homeowners. Excess moisture is bad enough, but when a home is flooded or hit with a plumbing disaster (like a busted pipe), the situation can quickly get out of hand. There’s a reason why these incidents are among the most expensive problems a homeowner can face. 

Floods, sewage back flows, and other sources of contaminated fluid usually cause the worst damage.  Water can be filled with all kinds of deadly substances, ranging from chemical residues to animal feces to parasites. Bacteria, viruses and fungi grow in an alarming rate in contaminated fluid, and severe health risks can be caused by these contaminants.

This problem is compounded by the composition of most homes, which are filled with organic materials. Drywall, wood and the matter that is trapped in carpet fibers are just a few examples, and they can give pathogens room to grow. Within 48 hours, mold may begin creeping behind the walls and releasing spores, and any organic materials that have been soaked through by contaminated fluid will usually have to be destroyed.

SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph County will dry the home quickly and apply antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal agents to all surfaces that had contact with the water. This ensures the family can return to a safe home.

Trust The Storm Heroes!

2/21/2020 (Permalink)

Our SERVPRO Rapid Response Team Can Help You With Storm Damage In Your Property Don't panic! SERVPRO can help! Call us at 256-378-1319!

Even though storm season is wrapping up, a nearby road overflow can cause significant issues in the ground levels of your property. Heavy rainfall results in sewer systems backing up and overflowing with contaminated Black Water. Due to the potentially harmful effects of Black Water, it is essential to hire a professional, qualified technician to help repair and restore your property safely. Indeed, many of your possessions can be salvaged by using professional cleaning equipment promptly.

Where there is Flood Damage in homes, the likelihood of contaminants being spread around the home is high. In the circumstances, it is not uncommon for our technicians to wear Hazmat suits to protect themselves from pathogens during the cleanup operation. We may also have to remove sections of drywall to clean in and behind walls, floors, and fittings. Left behind debris is not only odorous but have the potential to be harmful if not dealt with thoroughly.

For owners who find themselves in this position, it is only natural to immediately assume the worst, especially where personal possessions are concerned. Here at SERVPRO we always work with a restore over replace mentality. Unlike other providers, our services are geared toward salvaging as much as possible. We enable our technicians to achieve this by providing them with state-of-the-art cleaning equipment and technology.

We can assess items immediately on site to decide which possessions are salvageable and which need disposal. Generally speaking, porous materials absorb black water making them exceptionally difficult to clean; this could include your carpets or curtains. However, where they are valuable fabrics, we can send them to a specialized facility for mechanical cleaning using Esporta washing machines. These equipment are expensive because they are advanced. However, SERVPRO provides technicians with everything they need to restore items rather than replace them.

Floods are considerable emergencies which is why SERVPRO training involves a rapid-response unit as well as a 24-hour emergency call line. Our skilled specialists are local to the area and can reach you fast to help mitigate loss and reduce the risk of permanent damage.

In an emergency, contact SERVPRO at Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties at 256-378-1319

Deciphering Water Damage: Clean, Grey, and Black Water

1/22/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph County has the tools to make water damage “Like it never even happened!” Whether water damage in your home or business is caused by clean, black, or gray water, SERVPRO can make it “Like it never even happened!”

Water damage is water damage, plain and simple, right? Not exactly.

In the restoration industry, there are three categories of water as defined by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Remediation Certification (IICRC): clean water, gray water, and black water.

Clean water, also referred to as Category 1, is water that comes from a sanitary source such as rainwater or snowmelt, a faucet, or a broken pipe or toilet tank, and does not pose an immediate health risk to a structure’s inhabitants. When Category 1 water losses are caught and dried out quickly, the structure is much less likely to require repairs. If left for 48 hours or more, however, clean water can turn to gray water and require more extensive mitigation.

Gray water, which causes Category 2 water losses, includes dirty water from washing machines, dishwashers, aquariums, or shower or sink drains. Water from these sources is considered gray water because it contains significant levels of contamination from bacteria, mold, or chemicals and may pose health risks to a structure’s inhabitants. Category 2 water losses are likely to require the removal of soft materials such carpet pad, as they’re prone to bacterial growth. As with clean water, gray water can become black water if left for 48 hours or longer.

Black water, or water in a Category 3 loss, comes from sewage back-ups or floodwaters. The contaminants found in black water (bacteria, mold, viruses) are known to cause diseases, and therefore Category 3 water losses pose serious health risks to a structure’s inhabitants. The IICRC says that black water causes “grossly unsanitary” conditions and for that reason, Category 3 water losses usually require the removal of all affected materials within a structure.

When water damage occurs, the source of the water determines several steps of the mitigation process, from how much personal protective equipment (PPE) mitigation technicians should wear to whether materials should simply be dried out or removed entirely. Whatever the category of water, though, SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph County has the tools to make water damages “Like it never even happened.”

Microbes and Water Damages

9/3/2019 (Permalink)

Molds have received increased attention in the water restoration industry. Water damages offer opportunities for molds to grow and multiply, since moisture and humidity levels are increased in a structure that has had a water damage. Conditions that encourage mold growth are:

  • Food source. Molds feed on organic materials in a structure, such as wood, paper drywall, insulation, natural fibers, and indoor dirt that often has organic matter in it.
  • Temperature. The common molds found in buildings generally grow best in typical building temperatures between 68 and 86 degrees. Some molds can grow at very cold or very hot temperatures.
  • Moisture. Most molds need lots of moisture, but some molds can survive in relative humidities as low as 65%. These molds are particular problem to the restoration industry. To reduce mold growth, indoor relative humidity should be maintained below 60%.

Molds can germinate in a warm, moist environment where a food source is present. How fast growth occurs depends on the combination of conditions. Spores can begin to grow after only 12 hours in some conditions and some can grow into colonies in 24-48 hours. Houses offer a large food supply- drywall, wood, insulation, indoor dirt, and paper. When these materials become damp or wet, settled spores can become growing molds.

Microbes Amplify with Passing Time

Microbes can potentially get worse as a water-damage intrusion is allowed to dwell. Since microbes are present in any water damage- whether clean, gray, or black water- they can grow and cause one water damage category to deteriorate to a more contaminated category. For instance, a clean water can become gray water in a matter of days. How fast a situation deteriorates depends on factors such as the amount of water intruding the structure and the temperature and humidity within the environment. The longer water is allowed to dwell, the more likely microbes will grow and contaminate the environment.

Heath Risks for Humans

People may get sick when microbes grow and multiply to abnormal levels in an indoor environment. Some microbes may make you sick when they enter your body. They may enter your body by:

  • Breathing them
  • Swallowing them
  • Absorbing them through the skin

Health risks also increase as a situation moves from a clean water loss to gray water or black water loss. PPE will help block microbes from reaching your body. Wear respirators, gloves, googles, and appropriate clothing to prevent infection.

At- Risk Persons

Some people get sick from microbes more easily than others do:

  • Young children. The immune system of very young children is not developed enough to combat microorganisms.
  • Immune suppressed or compromised persons. People are "immune compromised" when their immune systems are weakened so their natural immune responses become suppressed. Immune-compromised persons include:
  • Elderly
  • Persons recovering from illnesses, hospital stays & surgeries.
  • Cancer patients
  • Transplant recipients
  • Persons with HIV
  • Asthma patients

Water Damage Can be a Nightmare

7/31/2019 (Permalink)

Research shows that every year 250,000 homes are exposed to water damage from bursting pipes.  Floodwaters rising only 6 inches in a 30 x 30-foot room can destroy everything in that room. Getting rid of water from a home is only the first phase of the cleanup process. Water also has to be carefully removed from drenched frames, drywall, wall panels, carpets, and anything else at risk for other more complicated mold and mildew problems. Water damage from bursting pipes, no matter how small and seemingly contained, is always a huge water damage restoration project that should only be done with professional help.  A small broken pipe in the basement can cause a flood of great proportions. Water does even more damage on the higher levels of a home, where it travels across floors and around frames causing damage to everything in its path until it finally reaches a drain point somewhere.

Bursting pipes can result from malfunctioning dishwashers, leaky washing machines and ice-makers, clogged toilets and sinks, faulty appliance hoses, leaky pipe fittings, frozen pipes and gutters, leaking roofs and ice dams, gaping window sills, foundation cracks and unsealed wooden decks.

The most treacherous water damage from bursting pipes takes places when water seeps into wool carpet fibers, paper, wood, bits of flaked-off skin, pet hair and dirt most commonly found in well-vacuumed carpeting.  It is then that water damage becomes a breeder for various types of toxic molds and decomposition. Depending on temperature and environment, molds will develop within a couple of days. Decomposition usually takes a bit longer, but it will develop. The sturdiest of floors can rot right through from the smallest leaks in refrigerators!

For water damage restoration don’t take it all upon yourself to make water damage cleanup in your home a do-it-yourself! Call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties!

We handle water damage restoration from the largest items in your home right down to the smallest because no project is too big or too small.  Our trained Certified Technician Professionals are well-equipped with state-of -the-art cleaning products and equipment making your worst nightmare of a water damage restoration seem like a breeze! We will also put our best efforts forward in restoring time-sensitive documents and refurbishing irreplaceable items that might have been damaged in your flood.  Money should not be a time-consuming object as we will work directly with your insurance company.

Are your pipes about to bust?

7/16/2019 (Permalink)

A burst pipe can cause some serious water damage to your home or business, but since pipes are usually located in walls or ceilings, it can be difficult to make sure they are always working properly. Here are some tips to help avoid an unexpected water loss.

  • Movement: Pipes that have not been secured properly may move around inside the walls and ceilings of your home or business. Turning the water on and off will cause them to shift around and bang against the walls; this movement weakens the joints of the plumbing and makes it easier for the system to start leaking or fall apart entirely. If you hear any clanging or banging inside your walls, get a professional in immediately to make sure that you plumbing is properly hooked up.
  • Freezing: Unlike most substances that shrink when they get cold, water actually expands! When water freezes, the molecules align themselves in a way that causes the volume of the ice to take up more space than the liquid water. This means that if the water in your pipes freezes, the ice will push out on the sides of the pipe until it bursts open. To prevent this from happening, open your cabinets to let warm air reach your pipes and turn your faucets on to allows a slow trickle of water to run through the pipes.
  • Water Pressure Changes: Making sure that your water pressure is steady is an important part of keeping your pipes whole and functioning. A large increase in pressure will cause the pipes to burst. Pressure can increase if some part of the pipe clogs or if something was not installed properly when the water lines were set up in your home. Locate your pressure gauge, and make sure to keep checking it for dramatic changes. If you spot high pressure, call a plumber to get it taken care of right away.
  • Corrosion: Pipes are built to last for a long time, but that doesn’t mean that they are invincible. Sometimes, the galvanized coating that is used to waterproof the pipes can be worn down, and the pipes will begin to rust. Over time, the rust will build up inside the pipes which can cause pressure to build and pipes to burst.

SERVPRO water removal equipment

6/28/2019 (Permalink)

As a team that has witnessed multiple water loss incidents year after year, our professionals can attest that no two instances are alike. Sources of the damage change and the varying layout of homes means that water flow moves differently, and the severity of the situation changes as a result. With the uniqueness of each disaster, we have a wide variety of mitigation tools in a growing inventory of equipment to tailor our response to the specific situation to maximize efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 

One of the priorities of our professionals when we first arrive at a damaged home is water removal. Identifying the location of this damage and the volume of the standing water can help to guide our SERVPRO professionals to the appropriate mitigation tools and extractors to most effectively remove the threat. The faster that our technicians can complete water removal from the flooring and other regions of the house, the faster we can get vital drying efforts started that can protect original construction materials from requiring replacement. 

For higher volumes of standing water for our professionals to contend with, we often rely on truck-mounted pumps and extractor trucks. These powerful machines can remove water at a rate of 300 psi, which is one of the most substantial extraction approaches in the restoration industry. With the use of extractor trucks, we also do not have to have an immediate location nearby to discharge removed water. 

For inaccessible areas and smaller volumes of water, our SERVPRO team might also opt to use portable submersible pumps we can run by generators if the power was also a casualty of the loss incident. Wet-vacs with extraction wands can be used to reach challenging locations and put the final touches on removing excess water before drying efforts begin.

There are many approaches to removing standing water from your home after a substantial water loss incident. Our SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph County professionals can determine the best solution for your property and make these effects “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call today at (256)-378-1319.

4 Steps To Complete Before the Insurance Adjuster Arrives

6/27/2019 (Permalink)

How to Prepare for the Adjuster if Your Home Has Suffered from Water Damage

If your home has suffered from water damage, take the following steps to prepare for the home adjuster. When you complete these steps before the insurance adjuster arrives, the damage on your property can be repaired or corrected as soon as possible. Speed up the process by getting as much paperwork out of the way as possible:

  • Proof of loss forms
  • Insurance policy reports
  • Estimates from authorized professionals

In addition to tackling paperwork, be sure to complete the next steps as quickly as possible. 

One: Contact Your Insurance Provider

It's vital that your insurance company can contact you, especially if you have had to evacuate your home. Have your policy number, phone number, property address, and alternate phone numbers handy. If it's possible to meet the adjuster at your home, you may find it easier to communicate clearly. 

Two: Secure Your Property

Before the adjuster arrives, and before you evacuate if it is possible to do so safely, protect your property. Be aware that water damage can affect the construction of your home, leaving it unsafe to re-enter the building. When this is the case, contact a water damage repair and remediation professional to provide these services. 

Three: Take Pictures of Damages

You will be completing a lot of paperwork regarding the damages throughout your home but taking photographs or a video is a good way to provide proof of your claims. Remember not to remove any items until the home adjuster has provided an okay. 

Four: Keep Information Organized

Put together a safe place to store contact information, insurance claim reference numbers, receipts, photographs, and every other document regarding the damaged property and repairs. This will also include checks from the insurance company. You may expect up to three separate checks: structure damage payment, personal belongings loss reimbursement, and money for additional living expenses. 

When water damages have affected your home, work closely with the home adjuster to resolve the issue. Work through these four steps and maintain open communication for the best results.

How to Come Back After a Flood

6/26/2019 (Permalink)

How to Come Back After a Flood

As the storm settles, the battle to restore homes and businesses begins. After a flood, the damage can be extensive and beginning the cleanup can be daunting. Where do you start? Commercial property owners struggle with this question every year, but by removing water, throwing away ruined items, and content cleaning, your business will soon be back to normal.

1. Eliminating Standing Water

Before you can determine what can be cleaned, there can’t be any water left in the building. If the standing water doesn’t flow out naturally, then it may need to be professionally removed. Given the bacteria and mold that is often found after major flooding, it’s important that you don’t come in contact with the water itself. It can make you and your employees incredibly sick. In addition, it’s easier for you do a full cleanup if there isn’t any water to contend with.

2. Removing Loose Items

Unfortunately, not all items can be saved. This is especially true for porous surfaces. Porous materials include certain types of tile, laminate and granite. These permeable materials don’t have a smooth surface and because of this, content cleaning is more difficult and complex. Certain pieces of furniture or appliances may have to be removed from the property entirely to properly disinfect the building. If you’re ever confused about what to keep or throw out, a professional can help.

3. Cleaning Content

For hard surfaces, it is recommended that you use a mixture of water and detergent. While most non-porous surfaces are safe to clean, if the mold has spread over 10 square feet, then professional help is strongly encouraged. Keep in mind that black water is the best breeding ground for dangerous molds, so if you suspect or know there was waste water involved, be sure to get expert help.

It may seem like a long road to restoration, but it’s easier to consider if you break it up into simple stages. Clearing out the water, removing the items, and proper content cleaning should have your business back on track in no time. 

Drying a water damage

6/3/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know there is actually a science behind the process of drying? Having the knowledge of psychrometrics is essential to restoring a water-damaged structure to its former condition. While your initial reaction may be to grab a few towels to mop up the mess and place a few fans or two around the damaged area, this can actually lead to secondary damages like mold. Our SERVPRO professionals are trained in the science of drying and follow strict industry-approved standards to help lower the chances of any of these secondary damages. If your business suffers a water damage, we will:

  • Inspect the building to detect every component that is wet to help prevent secondary damage from happening.
  • Measure how much moisture is in wet material and monitor whether the materials are drying properly.
  • Speed up Mother Nature by using professional drying equipment. 

What exactly does it mean to help "speed up Mother Nature?" A wet building can often dry naturally because the environment always seeks equilibrium. When materials are wet, moisture will naturally move to drier air at the surface of the material-but only if the air is, indeed, drier. 

The only problem is, nature often takes too long and secondary damages may occur while the building is drying out. 

SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties professionals have the tools and equipment to help Mother Nature along, including equipment to hep dry hardwood floors, tough-to-reach spaces inside walls, and much more. We also use state-of-the-art monitoring equipment and a proven scientific process to help speed the drying of your home or business. 

It's not only the equipment, but the technology too. SERVPRO has developed DryBook, a proprietary tool that provides real-time documentation and updates on the drying process and helps ensure industry drying requirements are met. With DryBook Mobile, you have the ability to know exactly where your property is in the drying process. 

The bottom line? SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties professionals have the training and equipment to help make water damage "Like it never even happened." Call us anytime at 256-378-1319!

Undetected Water Damage in Your Home

5/29/2019 (Permalink)

Water doesn’t have to burst from pipes or come from a bad flood to be a problem in your home. Sometimes, undetected water damage can cause the biggest headache. There are five tells that there’s water damage going undetected in your home.

  1. Stains on walls and ceilings. – Nobody purposefully looks up at their ceiling. However, it is important to thoroughly check the ceilings in your home for stains. There might be a bath tub or shower leak from one floor to the next, or your ceiling could be leaking into the attic. 
  2. Musty or unpleasant smells – Do you smell something musty, or even earthy, in your home? Hidden water can cause mold to grow, and a nasty smell is a good signal that something is wrong.
  3. Peeling paint – Not only can water stain your walls, but it can also cause the paint to lift. If you see your paint starting to peel, quickly find the source of the problem, or call a professional to fix it.
  4. Visual Mold Growth – Just like with ceilings, we don’t exactly pay attention to the corners of our homes, but often these small hidden areas can tell us about potentially harmful leaks or spills. Check to see if there are any discolored or fuzzy looking spots in isolated corners or hidden areas..
  5. Flooring Effects – When allowed to flow, water naturally seeks the lowest level. This is why rivers flow downstream. Water can seep under your flooring and collect – damaging your sub-floors. Check for and warping or deformation to make sure there is no water hiding beneath the floorboards. When this happens, it is important to act as quickly as possible, so we can restore your flooring to good as new.

If you suspect you have water damage, call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties now! We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 256-378-1319.

Time Matters!

5/16/2019 (Permalink)

Why is the quick response to a water damage so important?  Not only does standing water in your home create an inconvenience in your life.  Not addressing it in a quick and efficient manner can lead to a much more serious issue.  As water soaks into flooring and drywall, mold is given the perfect atmosphere to thrive.  In only a few days mold can take a standard water job and turn it into a much more complicated issue.  It can cause respiratory issues, and extend the time it takes to repair.  Most drywall will have to be removed and replaced as opposed to simply dried.  This can turn an inconvenience into an all out nightmare.  Let your local SERVPRO take care of your needs in a quick efficient manner and help put your mind at ease.


3/28/2019 (Permalink)

The most common causes of water damages are busted & leaking pipes, faulty plumbing, buildup in areas prone to collecting water (crawlspace, attic, basements, etc.), defective household appliances, malfunctioning HVAC systems & natural disasters or weather-related events. The principals of water damage restoration are to provide safety and health of workers and occupants, document and inspect the project, mitigate further damage, clean and dry affected areas & complete the restoration & repairs. Make sure to always empathize with the building owner and the occupants and make sure to let them know help is on the way, that SERVPRO will be there right away and make sure to visualize the damage. We can help with any type of water damage and do all of the restoration and repairs for you so please do not hesitate to call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties @ 256-378-1319 and we will make it "Like it never even happened."

When They Call You, You Call Us!

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage and Your Policyholder or Property Owner!

When you have water damage, your policyholder or property owner looks to you to handle the situation. You collect information and provide reassurance everything will be returned to normal. SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Cos Franchise Professionals understand your priority is helping restore the property of the insured's or owner's peace of mind, while minimizing the loss on a claim. 

The first 24 hours following a water incident are the most important in preventing secondary or permanent damage. Within four hours of loss notification, a SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos Franchise Professional will be on-site to help ensure a water damage is handled properly by completing the following steps.


SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos Franchise Professionals will inspect affected areas of the property to determine the extent of damage. They will also review the inspection with you, your insured, or property manager and answer any questions before beginning work.

Emergency Services

Next, SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos Franchise Professionals will take immediate steps to protect the home or property and personal belongings from further damage by extracting the excess water and preparing for drying. They will explain in detail the needed emergency services step-by-step.


To help ensure your insured's or owners home and personal belongings, or property are dried to appropriate industry standards, a SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos Franchise Professional will monitor the drying process. The results will be consistently communicated to you throughout the monitoring process.

Restoration Services

SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos Franchise Professionals will replace structural materials such as drywall and baseboards, reinstall carpets, and clean affected areas of the property and belongings. A final walk-through of the jobsite will be conducted with you, your insured, or owner to help ensure their property was returned to preloss condition when possible. 

You Can Be Ruined Or You Can Be Ready with the Help of Technology

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Technology can now be a vital tool in preparing for water damages or other disasters, as well as during or after to stay informed of the situation and in communication with others. From common technology you already use on a day-to-day basis to taking a few extra steps to prepare, the following will help you be ready in the event of a water damage or other disaster. 

Store Information Online

There are many places to store important information securely online. Services like Google Drive and Dropbox offer free ways to store different types of files, from a word document to images of important documents. Ready.gov suggests saving an electronic version of insurance policies, identification documents, medical records, and information on your pets if necessary. 

Follow the News

Stay informed by following agencies such as FEMA. local news channels, and local government on Twitter for the most up-to-date information in a disaster situation. You can also alert first responders if a rescue is needed through Twitter.

Whenever there is a water damage make sure you are always ready and have ways to get in touch with people. If you have questions don't hesitate to call us @ 256-378-1319, where we are always "Here to Help!"

Caring for Customers Belongings

5/14/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage affects not only the structure of your house but also your belongings. SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties understands that your home is more than a structure; your family’s furniture, clothing, keepsakes, and other belongings help transform a house into a home.

If You Have Questions or Need Help,
Call Us Today –(256) 378-1319!

Contents Restoration

SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties specializes in restoring contents damaged by fire, water, or mold. Our expertise and “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced. We pretest your contents to determine what items can be restored back to their condition before the water damage. We utilize several methods of cleaning your contents, including the following:

  • Dry Cleaning - Used for cleaning light residues or to pre-clean prior to wet cleaning.
  • Wet Cleaning - An effective cleaning method for removing moderate to heavy residues.
  • Spray and Wipe -Effective for items that can’t withstand wet cleaning.
  • Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if wet cleaned.
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Involves agitation of the surface being cleaned. 
  • Immersion Cleaning - Contents are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product. 


If your home requires extensive restoration or cleaning, SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties can conduct an organized, efficient move-out of the affected area. A move-out will provide several benefits, including the following:

  • A quicker remodeling process
  • Protecting items from potential damage
  • Protecting contents from further on-site damage

When restoration is completed, we will work with you to coordinate the move-in according to your needs. The services offered upon move-in may depend on your insurance coverage.

Electronic Cleanup

Water-damaged electronics can present a serious hazard. Do not attempt to turn on or operate any electrical device that you suspect has been damaged by water. We will coordinate the restoration of your electronics, including:

  • Television sets
  • DVD players
  • Computers
  • And more

The key to restoring electronics is taking prompt action to prevent further damage. We start by cleaning the exterior of electronic devices to help stop further corrosion and damage. Electronics will be cleaned and inspected by a qualified electronics technician.

Document / Photograph Drying

When your valuable documents, including photographs, are damaged by water, extreme caution should be taken to help ensure the water damage does not destroy the document. Although some documents may not be restored to pre-water damage condition, SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Counties can save a great deal and help minimize additional damage. 

Depending on the type of documents and the level of water damage, we have five options for the restoration of documents:

  • Air Drying
  • Dehumidification
  • Freezer Drying
  • Vacuum Freeze Drying
  • Vacuum Thermal Drying

Contents Claim Inventory Service

When a water emergency strikes, the damage can often feel overwhelming. We can help ease the worry and confusion during the recovery process by offering our Contents Claim Inventory Service (CCIS), which provides a detailed and accurate list of your belongings. We take a room-by-room inventory of your contents, including digital photos, and in some instances, bar coding.

Our Contents Claim Inventory Service:

  • Preloss list and value of contents
  • Detailed and accurate report
  • Better information to settle claims quicker
  • Assistance with burden of proof for claims
  • Peace of mind when you need it most

Water Damage Restoration Process

5/14/2018 (Permalink)

When your home or commercial property has water damage from flooding or leaks, we have the expertise and equipment to properly restore your property. Our experience and scientific approach to water removal and water cleanup enable us to properly dry and restore your property.

Water or Flood Damage?
Call Today – (256) 378-1319!

Every water damage event is a little different and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same.

Step 1- Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us. Our representative will guide you through the crisis and may ask several questions to help us better understand the equipment and resources.

Step 2- Inspection & Water Damage Assessment

We determine the scope of your water damage at this stage. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration.

Step 3- Water Removal/Water Extraction

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth.

Step 4- Drying & Dehumidification

We use specialized equipment to remove the remaining water that is harder to access. Our Professionals will use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers needed to dry your home or business.

Step 5- Cleaning & Sanitizing

We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. We are adept at cleaning contents using a number of techniques. Our professionals are trained to provide sanitizing treatments and to remove odors and deodorize your property.

Step 6- Restoration

Restoration is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

Emergency Water Damage Process

4/3/2018 (Permalink)


Within one hour from notice of loss, SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos. Professionals will contact you to arrange for service. You'll know help is on the way!


Within four hours of loss notification, SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos. Professionals will be on-site to start mitigation services. the key to reducing damage and saving money is responding quickly to your damage.


A trained, uniformed and equipped SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos. Professional will walk through the job process step-by-step, explaining what to expect and the anticipated outcome.


SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos. Professionals will begin pretesting for restorability, working from the source of the damage outward.


Within eight hours of on-site arrival, a verbal briefing of the scope will be communicated to the appropriate person, normally your adjuster or property manager.


SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph Cos. Professionals will work neatly and efficiently to help to regain control of your property when a damaging event has taken over. They will use state-of-the-art restoration techniques to ensure your property is taken care of right the first time.


After the work has been completed, a final walk-through will be conducted with you to help ensure your satisfaction.



SERVPRO Will Do It Right!

3/2/2018 (Permalink)

Check Us Out!

  1. Insurance Protection
  2. Exclusive products and equipment line
  3. Technician training programs
  4. Safety compliance
  5. Complete documentation, no surprises
  6. Defined work processes
  7. Active customer communication
  8. Fast work completion

SERVPRO Will Do It Right!

  1. Minimize customer interruptions
  2. Complete the job properly the first time
  3. Provide regular updates on progress 
  4. Restore the property to preloss condition

Our Goal:

To Make You Feel

"Like it never even happened."

When water damage takes control of your life, we help take it back. Our goal is to help make it...

"Like it never even happened."

Lower Recovery Cost- The SERVPRO System Helps Save Money

  • Emergency Mitigation Services help minimize additional property damages.
  • SERVPRO Franchise Professionals use specialized test equipment to determine hidden water.
  • Restoration versus replacement of contents saves heirlooms and money too.
  • By using advanced drying techniques, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals monitor and ensure your property is properly dried.

Faster To Any Water Damage

6/20/2017 (Permalink)

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 256-378-1319

About SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties

SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. 

Water Damage Restoration

6/20/2017 (Permalink)

When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties respond immediately and use advanced equipment and techniques to remove the water quickly. They closely monitor and document the drying process to verify your property is dried properly and thoroughly. We are ready for any size water damage big or small. So call us if you need help.

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals Of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties

If you have any water, fire or mold damage call us at 256-378-1319 and we are here to help you in any way!

Talladega, Clay, & Randolph Co. Water Damage!

5/10/2017 (Permalink)

From the moment you realize you have experienced a water damage, the steps you as a Talladega, Clay, or Randolph county homeowner take can whether or not there is secondary damage in your home. Timely mitigation is critical to ensure that secondary damage is minimal. Turn off the water source and call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties.



SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph County rep will be able to look at the damage and let you and your insurance agent know, if the damage is worth a claim. Extracting the water and placing drying equipment as quickly as possible will be the difference in restoring your home and potentially replacing the affected area completely. Protecting the surrounding furniture by raising it off of the saturated carpet will prevent any secondary damage caused by the water disaster. Moving quickly and getting a professional restoration company on site will be the difference between drying your home and uprooting your daily routine for extended periods!


Pipes Bursting in Talladega, Clay and Randolph Counties

5/10/2017 (Permalink)

A pipe bursting in your wall can cause severe damage quick throughout your Talladega, Clay and Randolph County home. If you are "fortunate" enough to be home, you can quickly shut of the water to prevent the water damage from worsening. Unfortunately, many homeowners are not home when a disaster like this strikes and the water affects several rooms of wall, flooring and even ceilings, depending on pipe location. The first person you should call is your Talladega, Clay and Randolph County SERVPRO to get that water extracted quickly and start damage control. If you know your deductible, our SERVPRO reps will be able to tell you if your water damage is worth a claim. Your insurance claim service is your next call while SERVPRO is on their way! We are faster to any size disaster! Call SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay and Randolph County 256-378-1319

Water Damage Do's and Dont's!!

3/21/2017 (Permalink)

Water Damage From Clean Water


  • Shut off the source of water if possible or contact a qualified party to stop the water source.

  • Turn off circuit breakers for wet areas of the building when access to the power distribution panel is safe from electrical shock.

  • Remove as much excess water as possible by mopping and blotting.

  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and tabletop items.

  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying.

  • Place aluminium foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.

  • Remove to a safe, dry place any paintings, art objects, computers, documents and other materials that are valuable or sensitive to moisture.

  • Use wooden clothespins to keep furniture skirting off damp floors.

  • Hang draperies with coated hangers to avoid contact with wet carpeting or floors.

  • Hang furs and leather good to dry separately at room temperature.


  • Enter rooms with standing water where electrical shock hazards may exist.

  • Enter affected areas if electrical outlets, switches, circuit breakers or electrical equipment are exposed to water. Always avoid electrical shock hazards.

  • Leave books, newspapers, magazines or other colored items on wet carpets or floors to cause staining.

  • Leave Oriental rugs or other colored rugs on wet wall-to-wall carpets to cause staining.

  • Use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water, possibly causing electrical shock or damage to the vacuum cleaner.

  • Use TVs or other appliances while standing on wet carpets or floors, especially not on wet concrete floors.

  • Turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet or enter rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water.

Water Damage From Contaminated Water


  • Avoid all contact with sewage and items contaminated by sewage.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly after contact with contaminated items.


  • Spread contaminated water by walking unnecessarily on damaged or wet areas.

  • Turn on the HVAC system if there is a possibility of spreading contaminated air.

  • Use household fans to dry the structure and spread contaminants.

  • Use products for personal hygiene and cleanliness if exposed to the contaminated areas.

Preparing For a Flood

2/28/2017 (Permalink)

Title: Talladega, Clay & Randolph & St. Clair County Residents: We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

Category: Flooding


A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your Talladega, Clay & Randolph & St. Clair Counties basements could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe

  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home

  • Storm sewer backup

  • Sanitary sewer backup

  • Foundation drainage failure

  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure

  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today - 256-378-1319

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Talladega, Clay & Randolph & St. Clair Counties and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week

  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies

  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About

  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques

  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards

  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Basement Flooded? Call Us Today – We’re Ready To Help 256-378-1319


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